Ultimate loneliness

beleaguered by a sumptuous exposition of goods and chattels, liable to abrasion of time and climate, drowsy in puny self-indulgence outstaring the stately vacuum of pomp; a stalemated afflicted "life" ripples to squander. and people you know best, knowing by heart the chapters of your open book, they will indeed never turn their back on you and suffer you gladly, an itchy scab. though, your expedience is franchised to a swap transaction, lite-version. a patient sighs relieved that he may still get hold of a consultation despite their hurdled succinct agendas. finally, no longer insanely dashing onto the centerpiece of tempests galore, neither carrying stubborn resistance nor bowing artful as taunt, bane reaches its conclusion. swindled into joining the calamities promoted to accomplice of this beast depraved and cruel; resigned like a leaf torn loose from the canopy, windswept readily to nowhere.