
Showing posts from November, 2014

On Writing

We give children the spark of life, but at long last they lead their own life - and it's no different to art that involves words. In other instances, we try to keep up with a boss who's pacing back and forth - fast and unpredictable - and suffer the more for it as we risk to trip over our own feet and fall or worse: we retrieve the gist, bereft however of essence and sink to our knees in a daunting and angst-ridden state, brewing with frustration and doubt. Maybe this in part explains the sensitivity of the artist to critics and the argumentative reaction that ensues: a legacy shared to the world is shot down, and a piece of your soul dies with it - no one wants to die, after long suffering and a lifetime in hardship, in dishonour, let alone see their children pass away before your own departure from life on this earth. Traditional poetry was very much the product of a craft, hence the coinage 'wordsmith', that involved a set of rules and techniques, to hone skills ...

Nightfall's hooch

the shadows of time disperse, as the gibbous moon spills its crisp silvery blood into the crevices of slumbering gambol-worn  provinces and enriches the veins of  downtrodden souls, thirsty for that spark of energy that sears away the putrescence clinging on their abraded hides of  chastity.