
Showing posts from 2015

Last Nights

Raucous wails jostles the air, Shudders run down the spine, And the nearby premonitories Barring a welcome horizon. Though, huddled next the open fire, Thralled by the ballet of dainty flames, The spirit is beaming, laughing at the Temptations that cloud vision and alertness. The delectable unfaltering Evening Star Holds a vigil while this seasoned body Is bathing in the silvery waters of the Moon. Long before the Empress of the Sky Summons its congregation to rebirth, Wisdom's lonesome and ever doling Child reigns over its fertile orchard That buds into opulence between Dusk and dawn.

Mission of gravity

Born from fire, sowing embers of renascence in carefully ploughed rows of tomorrow and tomorrow -     shielded by the rogue's wings against     the winds of time, lit by challenging     twinkling eyes. Shunning the false night, no slave to idle dreams, and its twin, larcenous sleep, you dwell in orbit around a millenium of eternities.

Sunset Blues

the candle melts into a heath, born from dust and rust, waving its existence away in a cave of foregone hours. though, by invisible hands carried, as by a nod in the unruffled murk, an august flame reawakens -      devouring the prowling dread that      soils its cradle. aloft, beyond the parapets of intimate sorrow, cresting the vacuous lonely earth, it reaches up to drink from the smouldering eyes of wilted constellations. craggy and ascetic cliffs on a distant shore may contemplate the rufuscent thrall, sleighing over the wrinkles of a jaded ocean like a spectral taint. A last sigh, insignificant among breezy whispers and raucous murmurs, as I mourn its passing, and seal then the lid over this sight.

Monica Vitti

Imagine a pale apparition standing fixed under a canopy of vacuous blue brightness, the scorching sun baking the termite mounds of steel and concrete rising from earth flattened and wiped clean of bucolic charms and the morass of Italy's wartime ruins. This moribund backdrop of a hyperrealistic nightmare sinks slowly away, a statuesque silhouette drifts by, blond manes flown,  her steps in tune with the whispering breeze of a sullen afternoon. Feminine grace among fading ruins and the rootless anemia, a melancholic sigh swallowed in the mute screech of monochrome starkness...


Eyes dripping of blood and fire, starhair rushes its whirls of seduction across your indigo shroud - enduring an insatiable fever that whetted exotic appetites and a manly desire to thrust your soul into the font of bespoken aeons and to rise one time more - reassembled, galvanized by primordial forces, reborn through the rite de passage of a new empyrean hermeticism - and destroy the black shapeless forms lurking inconspicuously in the high vacuum. Behold now these lumps of carrion marching in a sullen pilgrimage towards the gates of oblivion: neck broken, spine humped in shame and terror, vile casualties of their own indoctrination of haunting nightmares, sentenced to eternal torment under the stark scrutiny of bland nonentity. The undying fire raging in your chest: their bane. Dusting the remaining embers of stars and newly formed planetary system into stark penal colonies made from dark matter... Airing the canvas of space-time, trawling a spree of a trillion galactic cobwebs int

Valentine poem for my wife

clouds drift above our heads, seasons dance the waltz, the sun is a nebulous haze... rain and sleet whips the air, we look for shelter, we meet only closed doors; our skin feels like frozen, our eyes are tired, but smile between the tears welling from deep crevices of pain and stung by a biting wind. our hearts gallop steadily like proud untamed horses, securing their domain with scuffing manes, emulating the rays of thousand shining suns in the velvet shrine of the deepest night - entwined to loneliness and bonded by intransigent love, we walk this fortuitous path with indomitable spirit.


Rise up towards the dawning red, never a hostage to that stolid fiend, the moor of despairs - Your flames burn those fermenting shadows, where an indolent spawn was birthed from tears of seasonal limbo. Walk tall through wintry haars and in the dead of the night, cast your wrath around and avail yourself a new Kingdom!