
Showing posts from August, 2015

Mission of gravity

Born from fire, sowing embers of renascence in carefully ploughed rows of tomorrow and tomorrow -     shielded by the rogue's wings against     the winds of time, lit by challenging     twinkling eyes. Shunning the false night, no slave to idle dreams, and its twin, larcenous sleep, you dwell in orbit around a millenium of eternities.

Sunset Blues

the candle melts into a heath, born from dust and rust, waving its existence away in a cave of foregone hours. though, by invisible hands carried, as by a nod in the unruffled murk, an august flame reawakens -      devouring the prowling dread that      soils its cradle. aloft, beyond the parapets of intimate sorrow, cresting the vacuous lonely earth, it reaches up to drink from the smouldering eyes of wilted constellations. craggy and ascetic cliffs on a distant shore may contemplate the rufuscent thrall, sleighing over the wrinkles of a jaded ocean like a spectral taint. A last sigh, insignificant among breezy whispers and raucous murmurs, as I mourn its passing, and seal then the lid over this sight.