White Man's Burden

What will seal the Fate of Europeans, but the privation of identity.
Not propagation of "individualism" as some conservatives fear and loath, besides what is stamped under the label of individualism today is nothing else than shaping a de-rooted personality, pre-conditioned in thoughts, needs and desires, manageable by outer forces; consumerism - also in the political field - is where blatantly this new drone-like human excels in... trivial needs, effimated behaviour, folding back to calculable patterns; they're surprisingly uniform in attire, attitude, action, and vision.

In an age where you would think that the individual triumphes, nothing seems so suspicious and discomforting like identity, a confirmed and grounded Gestalt, a distinct bundle of shape and style opposed to synchronisation, the elimination of a irreducable and non-interchangable Gestalt.

The same war against individual identity is fought against a specific racial and cultural identity, the one aforementioned. However, that identity is instrumental to win the battle. Its existence has to be evoked, but only to be charged with heresy... It get no fair evaluation, it has to be questioned till the very bones and marrow supporting that fathomized identity. It's really a spook, an image summone to spur some befuddling ideas. Important is that it has to be deconstructed and all parts denounced.

The way to self-knowledge, and self-love, premisses to mature the spirit and become a valuable, honourable and functional being in a community, has been diverted to self-hate and contrition for sins and vices of the forefathers and for being their sprout; a mental bleeding to depurate its humanity from the unbearable filth of past generations flowing in their veins.

But in all honesty, the Europeans make no part of that humanity consortium. It's a sham. Reality is that we're standing outside that 'human race', we're its black dog and this monster, this predator that haunts the dreams and lores of the primitives and the traditional societies of the new worlds, Asia and Africa must be tamed and incarcerated... like a circus animal exploited as it is allowed to perform his stunts and panegryses in science, art and economics as long it benifits their masses, their development...

Once the animal behaves erratic, withstand its imprisonment and bites back, it will be finished off and no one around will shed a tear, smirks and arrogance abound though.


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