
Here's something that hordes of coloureds and North Africans might sing from the top of their lungs while their marching into Europe:

Hit the North
My Cat says eeeee-ack
Hit the North
95% of [hayseeds or corn-pone], guaranteed
Computers infest the hotels
Cops can't catch criminals
But what the heck, they're not too bad, they talk to God

Hit the North
Manacled to the city, manacled to the city
All estate agents alive yell down nights in hysterical breath
There's no lights so pretty
Those big big big wide streets
Those useless MPs
Hit the North (Manacled to the system)

From the back third eye psyche, the reflected mirror of delirium,
Eastender and Victoria's lager, the induced call, mysterious,
forth - Hit the North
Hit the North

Now have a look at this citation to understand how the situation was long before we relinquished our supremacy over the world:

"AFTER THE successful conclusion by England of the Boer War in 1901, and the Western crushing of the Boxer Rebellion in China, the entire world, with the exception of a few small areas, was under the direct rule of the West and its colonies. In the Far East, only Japan and Siam were excluded; in the Near East, only Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan; in Africa, only Abyssinia and Liberia; in the other hemisphere, only Haiti and Mexico. Of these, Western control was indirect in Turkey, Mexico, and Afghanistan. In Islam and in China, Westerners were under the exterritorial jurisdiction of their national representatives, and not under local tribunals. The conduct of the outer peoples to the Westerners was respectful and deferential. In one word: the entire outer world was politically passive.

This passivity alone made possible the grotesque disproportion between numbers and control. In India, for instance, England maintained its rule over 350,000,000 subjects with a garrison of less than 100,000 white soldiers. In the Indian Mutiny of 1857, England found its control of India restricted in a few days to parts of the coast and a few points in the interior. So swiftly can white rule of non-Western territory vanish when the subject populations become active politically.

With the political passivity of the outer subjects went another important fact in the world-wide power-monopoly of the West before 1914. This was the comity of the Western peoples. Paul Kruger was a symbol of this comity. In the Boer War, fighting against crushing odds though he was, he nevertheless resolutely forbade the employment of Negro barbarians against white Englishmen. The political genius his conduct showed was not appreciated."
(Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium)

And here's my 2cts worth of opinion:

Now there's passivity among our people, paralyzed by ponderous guilt and propaganda, which in a way is very engaging for the flocks of young people and their elderly consorts stucked in their beliefs from May 1968, because western men, despite the stretches of decadence he inflicts on himself, will always be attracted to some Titin heroism and the rebellous streak as well the need for authority and order, live side by side in his heart and influence his behaviour and thoughts, so his passivity is also an act of rebellion and a need for a new order, corrupted and sickening as it may appear to us, but while the craving is the same, the polarity is reversed into an attack of our outwardly institutions, customs and traditions, as these however are part and parcel of our mental and will-related heritage, one could speak in contermporary terms as an auto-immune disease...

However, as autocracity is on the loose since the Ancient RĂ©gime, and we might even debate the possibility that it occured far earlier in gradual stages, sooner and later the present order will be adequately be contested in a popular outrage, which will be brutal, anarchic, violent and totalitarian in the same degree as the national upheavals in our former colonies and in the students revolts, even more terrifying and apocalyptic as it's not a fight to the death for mere sovereignity, but one for basic and long-term SURVIVAL!


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