Often we delude ourselves as being lost
While it requires only a simple nod of the head,
To gaze upon the nightly sky
And between the silent but festive starry scintillisation
To discover Polaris - the North Star --
A model of intransigence and equanimity,
An anchor of virtous composure
That forces the bacchanale of volatile clamour to shameful surrender
And greets the cold smothering hell
With its invincible smile.
While it requires only a simple nod of the head,
To gaze upon the nightly sky
And between the silent but festive starry scintillisation
To discover Polaris - the North Star --
A model of intransigence and equanimity,
An anchor of virtous composure
That forces the bacchanale of volatile clamour to shameful surrender
And greets the cold smothering hell
With its invincible smile.