50 Word Fiction Misfit

Each month the Scottish Book Trust opens a challenge to write in merely fifty words a story
for which the Trust provides a 'prompt' on the website; a picture that should help to spark off your imagination and set you work around a flash story.


February's prompt was this picture:

Anyway, my story unfortunately was proven unsuccessful (ach well... it was too clever and too allegorical for its kind), but the administrator took nonetheless the opportunity to encourage me to enter again, starting next Monday (March 3rd) with the March competition.

Will keep trying, I don't quit easily without hangovers of guilt and besides... I never believed in  the no-win scenario.

Here's the story... I might use it eventually as a template for either a post-apocalyptic themed poem or a short story. The 50 words limit doesn't really do the idea and vision behind it any justice.

Squirms of people bolted towards the iron rivers. Hampered only by the few
insolent loners, gazing petrified at the billboards of their quotidian musings.

Each faction pulling the strings.

Outside the Grand Central, the God Plutonium gave the City a nuclear makeover. 

Their pre-socratic strife would eventually outlast Armageddon.


Anonymous said…
Definitely keep trying...think the trick with such competitions is that they are looking for lightweight stuff, not intellectual offerings, sadly. Something that would appeal to masses.
But I loved the story and it has the bud of a full blown sci fi in there too.

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