Hindermost Apogee

As the years crawl on, then gaining ever so much momentum,
the oceans shrink to seas, seas retreat to lakes, lakes to dew;
a single drop remains, so fragile and furtive, easily spent under
the scorching glare of the motherstar.

Yet, for the length of a melancholic sigh, that dew tear burns
with incandescent fury that overshadows the luminosity from
ultramundane worlds, wasted aeons ago across diseased gulfs
and to dull, soulless eyes.

Her indelible thrall flits the accursed reality of oblivion as she
enmeshes herself into the womb of our unfolding fate to grow
into a pearl whither eternity and the gods themselves must


Anonymous said…
Beautiful. And obviously a tribute to some long ago lost love, no? :)
Goswinus said…
Not at all, it's about finding all what's one life was about in the process of maturity, how that life is expressed in an unique and singular archetype by itself. :)

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