Crazy Dreams

I am used dreaming of crazies, pod-like people, zombies and my own old folks acting entirely out of character, vicious, double-faced and sometimes with a sad tragic demeanour... while I am on the run, but when confronted with adversary, I take a stand and fight back, or even play along, pretty much as in a chess game, apparently giving up pawns readily, only to change the action of the game, to win...

So, one morning I dreamed of our world surrendered to the dominion of Reptilians from Outer Space (yes, I hear you stop that!) made out the the higher echelons of a rigidly class-structured Society, which basically was cut in half between citizens living in urban agglomerations and the peasantry. Seemingly the treatment of City Folk was fairly better and more tolerant, allowing them to pursue their daily life in a measured level of freedom, pretty much the reality where in now, while out there in the Country but also in this in-between zone of Suburbia humans would be periodically raided and hunted down, then killed, or held captive and used as slave.
I escaped the maraud and fled in the direction of the city where I sneaked in through desolate grim backyards of council estates and shopping galleries, I was even helped by human-friendly Reptilians, to shake off my pursuers... I started to campaign people to agitate against their yoke and refute their servility and reclaim their world. I was a pure and simple fiasco: the majority just stood there, loitering with baffled faces, or an apathic blandness that was a sign of dismissal...Typical.

Another time the setting was home...or a kind of re-imagined home town with a castle overlooking the site. Lots of running wild and blind around, people hiding in school building and their houses. An outbreak of ... living dead. People fall even prey if they don't seem to have been bitten or in any other way infected. Some just hang around or sit mute and in some lethargic state, or after they outrun the living dead just an about to recover from the shocking events, when suddenly they turn to the person next to them and set their teeth in their neck, face or shoulder...
The strange part was that this sequence was repeated trice that night, the same events occured all over again, with little to no variation...While on my way to somewhere anywhere sparse of people and a good hideout, I spurred down a moving staircase leading to a tunnel... for some inexplicable reason I always see along my way a group of Turkish women colourful dressed and hunched together in their' draperies' of cloths.... there was also something about vials containing a milky fluid that substitute food and could be borne on the arm... the dream story ended all three times in some derelict outbuilding or shed... twice, except the third time out, it was located on the parking lot near a huge mall... I managed to convince elderly people to follow me albeit I had though a hard time to explain them the danger they would face if they stayed in their neighbourhood: living dead, of crazies, it didn't matter, but the attacks were sudden and ferocious, and sometimes the transformation from normal person to zombie happens in a wink of the eye...

Interestingly, the dream just continued, before and after a visit to the loo, as like seeing a film in the cinema interrupted by a pauze... almost like an eternal return, witnessing the same grisly and depressing horror, regurgitated to have me fix the situation...Very odd, and eerie as the dream unfolded, I got to admit that there was lots to be fascinated and entertained by...


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