The regrets when death closes in...

... having been in close range to the mauling talons of Death, I would say that two painful regrets, overshadowing the physical torment, might hit your right in your face... the regret to leave people behind, a strange kind of guilt, while it's obvious that it's not your fault that you can't reach them in your dying moments, you feel as if you abandon the people who mattered so much to you and to whom you were an important part of their life...

... and the other is... well, borderline self-pity in part, but as you sense that things are out of your control, your strength and resistence growing anemic, the emaciation of your will and sovereignity, you feel that slippery path into ultimate surrender as a failure to yourself, and it gets worse, when angst and sadness moves into your mind, plodding themself up from some forgotten bog of commiseration and the shame to leave your loved ones behind (alone), tugging you in their stiffling flumes, while in your isolation, despite any laborous mayhem around you to get you from your mortal adversary, you want to cry out against this power that corners you and tempts to switch off your extistence at its crushing will, fight back and accepting that you're nearly done with... the regret of being coerces into failure and losing...


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