

Pretty much sums up most of my own viewpoints, barring ideas on equality of race and ethnics. I think that in small-scale communities and primitive, pre-urban cultures the answers are giving how to manage a society in terms of ownership and subsistence.
The problem with some libertarians/anarcho-capitalists is that it lauds too much the polito-economic constellation as it is and defends economic strongholds which actually have claimed a near monopoly on economic affairs and are de facto detrimental to free market schemes. In their lectures, they appear rather to take side with banks and corporations in stead of small businesses, workers and other categories.

I left some of my old socialist persuasions, but not my altruism for the underdog and less fortunate echelons of society (except the dregs and chavs, which are as despicable as the posh toffs). Where in our current society you are obliged to either find work in either whatever job is available, or receive temporarily receive a benefit and if you don't follow regulations, you're bust, there should be imo a valid and more frugal alternative... why be a wage slave either for the State or a Corporation or another Productivist?

Individuals should be stimulated to master some discipline and technical skill to be self-employed, and built up a business on their own... even in trades which have an apparent zero economical and commercial value and impact, for instance, in art... in primitive societies, the artisan or artist might have been on the same level as a shaman, as he positioned himself between two world and translated the wealth and depth of uncanny wisdom and beauty to the level of mortals, and hence embellished their world in an act of transfiguration...

There are also alternatives to interim agencies to help people find a job if the extended family/clan/Sippe would be re-introduced... imagine I would be a landowner and I need someone to supervise the condition of my fields and woodlands... a kind of ranger, thus... in stead of looking just for anyone qualified for that job, I would possess a list of names from my extended family, look who is unemployed and qualified based on motivation, skills and education for the job offering, and enlist him or her.
If no one is, I could of course look outside the clan...

And what if there's someone but refutes to work for me? Well, such aberrant behaviour might have rooted out by a stronger alliance by kinship imbibed since childhood, and by a new education program, which could pass as a medley of Zen self-mastery and Steiner Freinet, to shape the character to greatness and nobility and to unfold the potentials hidden in the pupil's heart and soul...
If not, shame would fall upon the child and prod him to change his attitude...

I know, it sound very utopian, but I can't accept that the world as it is now and is about to develop is the right course and imo, eclectism in stead of dogmatic political ideology is the answer to make this world anew and a much happier and righteous place to live...

And let's face it:

a. applicants for a job, despite all their grades, diplomas, skills, intelligence and dexterity, never feel nor are treated as equals or act as such in job interviews and the like; the confrontation between two productivists, one settled and one not FEELS imbalanced and for the latter, humiliating... more like selling out their talents for an alm.

b. you never really feel so obliged and loyal but for an equal partner, family or friend alike: a business together is like a great project that lifts up the world from its axis and in the collaboration between both it's like two soverignities becoming one, an enterprise which is a milestone and bound by more than just concern about profit. It's about etching one's life to something more than subsistence and profit.


Anonymous said…
Beautifully written and thought provoking, as always....word witchery x

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